Expert Interviews: Why do we all love Vinno
July 03-2017

They are experts in the field of ultrasound medicine with illustrious reputations. They have born witness to the development of Chinese ultrasound brands. From the immaturity of the initial founding of Vinno to the increasing abundance and maturity of Vinno today, they have born witness to Vinno’s growth, and have placed their high hopes on us. 



Yang  Bin


Yang Bin is the Head of the Ultrasound Diagnostics Department at Nanjing General Hospital. He's a Doctor of Medicine, a chief physician, a professor, a doctoral supervisor, and a post-doctoral contact advisor.

“I began following Vinno last year. I greatly hope that a national brand can become high-end oriented, like the expectations that Chairman Xi has: The Chinese medical industry should go out into the world. 

I’ve had the following impressions during this year while using Vinno machines: First, the standards for determining whether an ultrasound machine is good or bad are the quality of the two-dimensional images, and the sensitivity of the color Doppler.

In the past when we made two-dimensional images other domestically produced ultrasound devices had a common problem. The image would become very slow after tuning down the color Doppler. Vinno does not have this problem. The blood flow does not spill over, the image is full, and the spatial and temporal resolution is superb in Vinno’s image result. 

Secondly, Vinno’s machine functions are comprehensive. The elastic imaging functions are on par with that of imported ultrasound brands. When it comes to the operation of its machines, people sometimes find Vinno’s humanized design to be magical.

For example, one light swipe of a finger and image memory functions are done. At the same time, the RF platform that they have is very beneficial for research and development, and for the diagnosis of abnormal images. In short, I am very impressed with Vinno. 

I hope Vinno can catch up to and surpass international brands in terms of research and development and function expansion, and make Europeans and Americans choose to first use Vinno, and not Chinese people going to buy GE, Phillips, and Siemens. I believe that Vinno’s path become broader and better the further it goes.”


Xu Di 


Xudi is the Head of Ultrasound Department at Jiangsu Provincial People’s Hospital (the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University), a chief physician, a Doctor of Medicine, a professor, and a doctoral supervisor. 


“I had a strong urge to pick up the Vinno portable color Doppler ultrasound device when I first saw it. I looked so light. The full touchscreen design save me an extraordinary amount of time, and let me put my energy into examining the patients.


In my eyes, whether an ultrasound device is a high end or low end device can be determined in two ways: First is whether or not the image quality is good or bad. Second is its quantitative analysis capabilities, or in other words, what functional software it possesses.


The RF data platform is Vinno’s distinctive technological advantage. When it comes to quantitative analysis capabilities Vinno machines possess all kinds of software that have clinical relevance. You don’t see this very much in domestically made ultrasound machines. In this respect Vinno can be said to be leading the way. 


I visited Vinno’s headquarters last year. The impression they gave me was that they had enormous research and development potential. I saw a few new products. They were all at the cutting edge when it came to image quality and including the design of operation application. They were in the cutting edge among domestic brands.


I was most deeply impressed with was that the motherboard of their machine had 192 physical channels, and approached the configuration of the most cutting edge international machines. I was very surprised that a domestically made machine could be achieve this level of sophistication in such a short time. Vinno has a very promising future! 


Other international brands might need a few years to achieve a software upgrade, but Vinno only needs a few months. This is very appealing to our clinical users. I hope that Vinno can keep moving at full throttle, and develop even more software that satisfy clinical needs. This is what we hope to see.” 

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